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Thursday, August 15, 2013

REVIEW: The Adorned by John Tristan!!

"My name is Etan, and I am Adorned.

A living piece of art, I exist to please the divine rulers of Kered. With nowhere to turn after my father died, I tried my luck in the capital city. Little did I know how quickly I would be robbed, beaten and forced to sell myself into servitude. But I was lucky enough to gain the attention of Roberd Tallisk, an irascible but intriguing tattoo artist who offered to mark me with enchanted ink for the enjoyment of the nobles. I was given a chance to better my station in life, and I could not refuse.

But the divine rulers want not only the art but the body that bears it. In their company I can rise above the dregs of society and experience a life most only dream of, at the cost of suffering their every desire as a pawn in games of lavish intrigue. Their attention is flattering, but I find I'd rather have Tallisk's.

Caught between factions, I learn that a revolution is brewing, one that could ruin Kered—and Roberd and myself along with it…"

What a wonderful surprise!

The Adorned by John Tristan was a completely thought out and realized novel with a rich and lush world, with brilliant writing and characters.

The world that John Tristan has created is realistic and is rich in characters and by the skill of the authors writing. The imagery of the tattoos and the creation process is precise but not too detailed as to make it clinical. There is an "awe" aspect to the whole thing, to how the Adorned are well, adorned, in their beautiful tats to become literal moving artwork. The world has gods but even though the fanatical exist nothing ever felt forced or out of place, it made sense and was frankly just plain awesome.

I really enjoyed what Tristan was able to do in regards to making the Adorned revered objects but sexual ones as well. There was a nice balance to it, tho at times the sexual expectations were a little off putting - not story or writing wise but because of the fact that there were characters who thought they could have whatever they wanted just because they could afford it in one way or another. Etan was a pretty great narrator; he was naive/inexperienced (though often way too submissive, he said "thank you" waaaay too often for my taste, in moments that made him seem like a little lost doe...)enough that so as he learned stuff about his world, it was a great mechanism for the reader to learn as well.

The buildup to Etan and Roberds relationship was slow but so worth it! I really liked Roberd and loved reading about his reluctance to give Etan up to clients as he was trying deny his feelings for him. So good. The side characters are just as great and have their own reasonings and motives and personalities which is always a major bonus.

I really liked this book and cannot wait for more in the series and more from the author! What an ingenious world Tristan has created.

Purchase THE ADORNED Now!!

- Atlas

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